PROTOTYPES Tracer Pulse Pistol Steampunk Fantasy Bow Flip-open Batarang Batman Gauntlet Iron Man Dual Laser Glove HOMER SIMPSON'S Electric Hammer Laser Watch Spiderman Webshooter Laser Eyes: X-Men LaserRifle Prototype Mk I Laser Tool Laser Gloves Pulse Laser Gun Wrist Bow Mini-Lasergun Flame Glove Laser-Revolver Blade Driver Laser Wristlet 4 Stage Gauss Rifle Iron Man Gauntlet Steampunk Laser Blaster DEAD SPACES Plasma Cutter Prototype for Wicked LasersSite notice / Impressum
Laser Gadgets is a webpage by Patrick Priebe
Owner / responsible for the content
Patrick Priebe
Vohwinkeler Straße 13
42329 Wuppertal
Phone: +49 202 3719101
Concept and realization by Patrick Priebe
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